Women Ministries

images (7)Women Ministry’s purpose is to empower, strengthen, and encourage women to their full potential in God by helping women gain knowledge and understanding of God.  The ministry will provide opportunities for women to identify and use their unique, God given gifts for the purpose of harvesting other women for God’s kingdom


  • Increase women participation in serving the Lord.
  • Create opportunities where women can minister to women and young women in different facets of their lives.
  • Establish a place of peace for women to retreat to from their busy lives and have quiet time with God or engage in fellowship with other women believers.
  • Help women start or maintain an effective prayer life.
  • Start and Maintain spiritual reading groups.
  • Provide literature, guest speakers and retreats to assist women’s spiritual growth and increase their understanding of health issues that effects their mind, body and spirit._


  • Have monthly meetings to study, pray, share God’s word and organize and develop programs (2nd and 5th Saturday of every month from 10:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
  • Maintain spiritual reading groups using books recommended by the Women’s Ministry members and Pastor.
  • Utilize women of FAME Pasadena or outside speakers to address woman’s health issues for churchgoers as well as community embers.
  • Create a place for women to retreat to from their busy lives to engage in fellowship and/or worship and praise God.
  • Help women establish and maintain effective prayer life by offering workshops, literature, and help them find prayer partners and prayer circles.
  • Have an annual Women’s Spiritual Retreat .
  • Provide opportunities for women to use their gifts to help other women to Jesus Christ.